Party Wall Agreement Tunbridge Wells

If you are planning a party wall project in Tunbridge Wells, it is important to know about the party wall agreement. This agreement is a legal document that sets out the rights and obligations of property owners who share a party wall or boundary. Whether you are planning to do some renovation work or simply want to extend your property, you will need to obtain a party wall agreement before you start your project.

What is a party wall?

A party wall is a wall that is shared by two or more property owners. This can be an external wall, such as a garden wall, or an internal wall, such as a wall dividing two semi-detached houses. The party wall can also include any structures built on or over the boundary line, such as a fence or a shed.

What is a party wall agreement?

A party wall agreement is a legal document that sets out the rights and obligations of the property owners who share a party wall. The agreement is designed to prevent and resolve disputes between the owners during the construction process. The agreement should be agreed upon prior to any work commencing and should be drafted by a qualified surveyor.

Why do I need a party wall agreement?

If you are planning any construction work on a party wall, you will need to obtain a party wall agreement. This agreement will outline the necessary procedures and requirements that must be followed during the construction process. The agreement also serves as a legal document that can be referred to in case of any disputes between property owners.

How to obtain a party wall agreement?

To obtain a party wall agreement, you will need to contact a qualified surveyor who can draft the agreement on your behalf. The surveyor will also notify your neighbors about the proposed work and provide them with a copy of the agreement. The neighbors will then have 14 days to either agree or disagree with the proposal.

If your neighbors agree to the proposed work, they will need to provide a written response, which will be included in the party wall agreement. If they disagree, a dispute resolution procedure will be initiated, and a third-party surveyor will be appointed to resolve the dispute.

In conclusion, obtaining a party wall agreement is an important step in any construction work on a party wall in Tunbridge Wells. It is recommended to consult a qualified surveyor who can help you draft the agreement and ensure that all the necessary requirements are met. By obtaining the agreement, you can avoid any potential disputes and ensure that your construction work is carried out safely and legally.